In the realm of employee benefits, the focus for many employers and benefits professionals extends beyond mere perks; it encompasses a profound concern for the wellbeing of employees. Within this domain, one crucial yet often overlooked aspect is reproductive health care, particularly access to abortion services. In an era marked by shifting legal landscapes and evolving societal attitudes, employers find themselves at the forefront of addressing this pressing need. Employers may offer abortion care as part of their benefits packages to ensure essential medical care is provided and to align with organizational values that foster a supportive and productive work environment. 

Addressing the challenges in abortion care

Abortion care is fraught with access barriers that are exacerbated by a shifting legal landscape. Employees and their families often face logistical hurdles, including limited clinic appointment availability, caretaking responsibilities, financial constraints, and concerns about privacy, safety, and stigma. These challenges are further compounded by the patchwork of restrictive state regulations limiting abortion access post-Roe v. Wade. Yet, 1 in 4 women in the United States will have an abortion at some point during their life. Employers and their advisors have a unique opportunity to bridge gaps in care by offering comprehensive abortion benefits that encompass travel assistance, financial coverage, and care options, including access to medication abortion via telehealth. 

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