Employers want employees to feel valued and supported. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to offer comprehensive benefits packages that meet the needs of employees of all ages. However, employee benefits can be confusing for employees to navigate, leading to lower satisfaction. Employees who don't understand the benefits on offer can't make the most of them, which means their employer's investment isn't working as intended.

Benefits literacy is much more of an issue than many people might think. A study from Harvard Business Review revealed that less than half of employers feel that employees are qualified to choose a best-fit health plan. This poses a significant challenge to already overworked HR teams during OE.

It's clear there's a disconnect between employers and their teams regarding benefits, but advisors can make a difference. You can help bridge the knowledge gap by introducing your clients to a benefits call center. Call centers can help HR teams get more time back in their day by handling benefits inquiries and helping their people get the most out of the great benefits you've connected them with.

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