Who's better at getting a family to talk about money matters, mom or dad? Taking sides probably won't make for a harmonious Mother's Day celebration on Sunday.
It's easy to overlook what's important when it comes to saving money. Many people would sooner clip a coupon for shampoo than review the expenses they're paying to invest in mutual funds.
Fidelity Investments is ramping up its small presence in the rapidly growing exchange-traded fund business by expanding a 3-year-old partnership with BlackRock Inc.'s iShares unit, the largest ETF provider.
The recipe for successful investing sounds pretty simple: have reasonably good timing over the long haul and avoid big mistakes. That's what helps professionals build a worthy track record. For average investors, it's advisable to set the bar lower. Construct a balanced portfolio of low-cost mutual funds, make regular contributions...
But whatever one thinks about gun control, removing such an investment from a portfolio on moral grounds isn't always a simple matter. There are potential costs from putting your principles before profits.
Goldman Sachs on Jan. 9 became the first to post daily values of its money funds. More than a half-dozen other companies have since followed suit or announced similar plans.