The Broker Innovation Lab celebrates brokers and other benefits stakeholders who have embraced the changing marketplace to position themselves and their business for future success.
Brokers and advisors can help employers build holistic benefit packages that not only attract top talent, but also foster a culture of wellbeing and security within the organization.
In today's tumultuous landscape, benefits consultants can play a pivotal role in guiding people through the complexities of health insurance decisions.
As they say, if you want to get something done, you give it to a busy woman. Please join me in celebrating the accomplishments of Tamara, Lily, Erica, Lynn and Emily as they work diligently behind the scenes in our industry to keep us informed and to provide stellar content through their news channels and events throughout the country!
The reality is that AI is here to stay, and as it gains traction in all areas of modern life, benefits advisors, HR professionals and employees alike will demand the kind of ultra-personalized experiences the technology delivers.
The more benefits advisors and employers can do to make the employee benefits experience engaging, the more likely we are to satisfy employees and help them achieve better outcomes across all facets of their wellbeing.
Brokers and benefits consultants can play a role in increasing people's access to resources and empowering individuals and their loved ones to navigate the process of choosing a plan with confidence.
When employers know the unique needs of their population and offer tailored solutions, employees are far more likely to actually take advantage of and benefit from them.
Our next two features have made some big changes this past year and they are taking their new roles and opportunities in stride. They both listened to their hearts and their heads and moved into roles where they are destined for success because they are aligned with their core beliefs and passions.
Using the six strategies defined here, brokers can help organizations provide an effective and appealing benefits package suitable for all employees across all generations.